Thursday, 3 November 2011

Welcome to The Arbitchuary

- I spend my day-to-day life desperately trying, and failing, desperately, to accept the ins and outs of the 21st century (not that the crumbs of the 20th century were any better).
- Throughout my 20 odd years of existence, a lot of my time has been spent carefully picking apart people and things that I don’t like.
- I have only ever really shared these resentments with women. Mostly ex-girlfriends. So I haven’t had a girlfriend for a while now.
- This means that recently there’s very little between me and a merciless, ‘zodiac’ style rampage.
- Thus, having reached the crossroads between suicide, religious conversion, and self-imposed exile, I decided I would start a blog.
- Detailing and cataloguing, week by week, things that I dislike, I hope to exercise and exorcise my resentments, and find myself at peace with the world I live in.
- This being the case, I’m hoping the blog will be shortlived: I’ll run out of things to moan about and realize that the world is actually full of beauty and joy. But I’m not counting on it.
- There will be anger, there may be insight, there may, at a push, be humour. But mostly there will be cussing.
- Welcome to The Arbitchuary.

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